
Centaur!America x Princess!Reader

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“Wow, what’s that thing called?!” Alfred asked and nudged his brother Matthew. Both centaur colts were exploring towards the edge of the woods and stumbled upon the back gardens of your castle.

“That’s called a castle….normally royalty live there” Matthew answered as they both curiously looked around

“like human royalty?” Alfred asked and Matthew nodded

“Arthur told us to be careful, not all humans like our kind….they allow other humans to kill centaurs like us” Matthew muttered

“Don’t be a chicken, dude! I’m gonna explore some more” Alfred trotted into the gardens and wandered around the gardens. He saw a little girl, close to his age, playing with a doll. She looked up and saw him. Alfred froze as she made eye contact with him.

“You’re half-horsie!” the girl gasped and ran up to him. He nervously blushed as she gently leaned up and felt his horse torso. His horse half was a soft cream color than nearly looked white. His tail was a darker gold color than his hair. His soft cream skin was slightly lighter than his horse half.

“I’m a centaur….My name’s Alfred” Alfred explained

“I’m (y/n) and I’m just a human….you’re the first centaur I’ve ever met” she chirped as her (e/c) eyes glimmered up at his blue ones.

“Halt, beast!” a guard shouted as they launched a net at Alfred. Alfred reared up and thrashed against the net with his hoofs pounding frantically.

“No!” (y/n) yelled and stood between the guards and Alfred. The king and queen marched towards her to see what the disturbance was.

“(y/n), step away from that beast! Take that beast to be slaughtered!” her mother shrieked.

“Calm down (m/n). Centaurs don’t harm humans. What brings you here, colt?” the king looked at Alfred

“I-I was just exploring. I never saw a castle before….or a human….” He answered as his hoofs scratched the ground and he tried to get the net off.

“Release him, he meant no harm” the king ordered as the guards cut the net apart and Alfred was released.

“I don’t normally allow mythical creatures upon my land, but I will make you an offer boy” the king spoke as Alfred’s tail flicked

“If you become (y/n)’s friend, I shall make hunting centaurs illegal” the king offered as (y/n) smiled up at her father and hugged him. (y/n)’s mother was not pleased and folded her arms.

“I will. I’ll come back tomorrow” Alfred smiled down at (y/n) and turned to gallop back into the safety of his familiar woods.

“W-what happened?” Matthew asked as he approached his brother

“I befriended the princess! The king told me if I was her friend, the humans would stop hunting our kind!” Alfred grinned as Matthew’s face lit up.

“Let’s tell the others” Matthew smiled as they galloped towards their herd’s location.

“I don’t believe them…..If they go back on their word, you’re forbidden to see that girl, understand?” Arthur asked as Alfred nodded.

~Timeskip and Your POV~

You became close friends with Alfred as you grew older. Alfred grew more and more by the day and soon he grew to be a tall, handsome centaur that towered over you while you blossomed into a young lady. Since you spent most of your time in the gardens with Alfred, you didn’t have to wear formal dresses and behave like a princess. You were free to be yourself around him.

“You know you’re my best friend, right Alfred?” you asked as you leaned against his horse body. His cream colored coat was incredibly soft as you pressed your head against it and felt his body moving with each breathe.

“You’re my best friend too. I’m more than that, I’m your hero, like the ones in those books you showed me!” he chuckled as you smiled and rolled your eyes.

“Your majesty! Some terrible news!” an attendant ran towards you, panting. You stood up and followed her inside the castle, signaling Alfred to head back to the forest.

Your father had been ill for the past few weeks and one of his attendants found him dead. His heart no longer beat. You sobbed and mourned for the loss of your father, he was always so wonderful. The kingdom loved him for being a fair, kind ruler. Without him, you would’ve never been such close friends with Alfred.

Now your mother was left to rule the kingdom. She wasn’t nearly as kind as your father.

“My first decree is make centaur hunting legal again” she barked to an attendant

“But, what about your late husband’s law?” the attendant asked

“He’s gone, and so is his laws” she huffed as you glared at her

“Mother, you can’t do that!” you yelled at her

“I’m still queen (y/n), and your mother. I forbid you to see that wretched centaur! You are to remain in the castle and behave like a proper princess! No more interactions with any magical creature!” she growled as a guard grabbed you and dragged you to your room.

You were forced to wear tight, itchy dresses that made you feel like a marshmallow. You were led by your mother to the gardens and Alfred approached with a puzzled expression.

“You are no longer allowed to see or speak to (y/n). She is a princess and princesses don’t fraternize with filthy magical creatures like you. A wall with be built to prevent you from entering these grounds. If you do, my guards will shoot you down” your mother hissed as Alfred’s eyes narrowed at her.

“No, Alfred!” you lunged for him as the guards pulled you away from him while two others pointed their lances at Alfred as he stomped his hoofs angrily.

“(y/n)!” Alfred called as you turned to look at him with your (e/c) eyes full of tears.

The guards roughly pushed you into your room and locked it. You dashed to the balcony and looked down at Alfred who frowned up at you. Alfred turned and trotted back to the forest.

The wall your mother spoke of was built practically overnight. The wall was high for anyone to climb. Alfred had no chance of getting over it.

“Oh (y/n)! I have wonderful news for you darling!” your mother burst into your room. You turned and glared at her.

“What do you want? What could possibly be good news?” you spat at her

“I have arranged for you to be married! He’s a wealthy prince from Russia” she chimed as horror spread across your face.

“I’m not marrying some prince I’ve never met!” you yelled as she frowned

“Yes you are, if you don’t, I’ll have Alfred personally killed. His coat with hang on the wall, or perhaps have him sent to the mines, centaurs are probably better than mules” she folded her arms.

“You’re a terrible queen, and a horrible mother” you muttered

“You better get some rest, your future husband is coming to see you tomorrow” she smirked and slammed the door shut, leaving you trapped again.

A tapping noise from your window snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked to see Alfred smiling at you from beyond the wall. He had a piece of fabric and held a yellow bird in the other hand, the bird clung to the fabric as it flew towards you.

‘Don’t start believing that a wall can keep us apart. I’m not letting her take you from me’ the words were written in black letters with a smiley face at the bottom. You quickly wrote Alfred a reply, explaining on what was going to happen and handed the bird the paper. The bird flew to Alfred and he received it.

‘Arthur forbids me from seeing you. I won’t let you marry that prince. I promise I’ll save you, I’m your hero after all’ you smiled and held the message tightly.

“Prince Ivan, this is my daughter (y/n)” your mother smiled as you stood before a man with violet eyes and light beige hair. The smile on his face seemed false to you.

‘you are to be my wife, da?” he chirped

“I guess….” You mumbled as you gazed down at your feet before your mother secretly jabbed you in the ribs to look back up at him.

“Let’s walk in the garden” Ivan smiled and led you outside with your mother smiling proudly and following.

“It’s a shame there’s no sunflowers. Why is there a wall?” Ivan asked

“To keep centaurs out” you murmured as he chuckled

“That’s too bad, I like to hunt centaurs. I have several coats as rugs. They are so soft. Their meat keeps people fed for weeks”  you secretly glared at him. No wonder your mother chose him! He hated centaurs as much as she did!

“I love centaurs. They’re wonderful creatures and my best friend happens to be a centaur” you folded your arms.

“Is that so? I shall have to meet him” Ivan smiled down at you.

“Thought you’d never ask!” a large shadow leaped over the wall and stood between you and Ivan. Alfred turned to look at you with his same cheerful smile.

“Guards!” your mother shrieked as Alfred quickly grabbed you and slung you on his back. You clung tightly to him as he turned and charged before leaping over the wall and dashing into the forest with you.

“Alfred…” you looked up at him as he looked down at you with a soft smile.

“I meant what I said when I told you I’d save you” Alfred grinned wider as you carefully leaped off his back.

“We can’t stay in the woods forever. That won’t stop my mother from having centaurs killed” you added

“we need to let them process what’s going on. Plus we need to warn the others” Alfred nodded

You walked beside Alfred as he trotted slowly with you towards a lush clearing towards the heart of the vast forest.

“Alfred, why have you brought a human here?” a dark blonde centaur glared at him and folded his arms.

“This is princess (y/n). If we can all help her overthrow her mother, the centaur hunting will stop. We can all live peacefully among humans again” Alfred bellowed loud enough for the rest of the herd to hear.

“What if we fail? Then we’ll all die. Centaurs will go extinct” the male asked

“That won’t happen” you replied as they turned to you

“How can we trust you?” he asked and turned his gaze to focus on you.

“Because she’s my mate” Alfred wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

“Why would you want a human? Is this whole predicament making you confused?” another centaur asked

“It doesn’t matter if (y/n)’s a human. I love her because she’s my best friend. I won’t let her marry some human prince who wants to further decrease our population” Alfred smirked as the centaurs exchanged frightened glances and worried murmurs.

“I say we fight with him” a blonde haired centaur, who looked very much like Alfred, smiled and trotted to stand beside you and Alfred.

“Me too” one by one more centaurs began siding with you.

“I guess I will too” the centaur spoke

“Thanks Artie” Alfred grinned

“S-Shut up! I’m doing this for the good of our kind, not for you!” he hissed

“So here’s the plan…”

“I want you to find my daughter at once. I don’t care how many centaurs you kill!” The queen growled at a guard

“I’m offering a large bounty on that centaur’s head for stealing my bride” Ivan added

“HEY! I HAVE YOUR PRINCESS!” the queen and Ivan’s heads snapped up as they rushed to the gardens. Guards rushed to surround Alfred who held you in his arms.

“Release the princess!” a guard yelled

“Now!” Alfred yelled as he pushed you forward as you lay against the ground. Centaurs leaped over the wall and landed on dozens of guards.

“Kill them! Save the princess!” your mother yelled as more guards rushed at the centaurs who, were not armed at all, using only their massive bodies and hooves to deal damage.

“You’re coming with me” your mother quickly snatched you and dragged you away from Alfred as he was left alone to face off against Ivan.

“I have had enough of you! Stop resisting!” your mother hissed

“Why do you hate centaurs so much, mother?!” you demanded

“I….” your mother froze in her tracks and her eyes watered up.

“My friend Arthur was killed by centaur…..his house was destroyed and he was gone. Hoof prints were everywhere….” she choked out as her tears fell.

“Wait, did you say his name was Arthur?” you asked as she nodded

You grabbed your mother’s wrist and led her to the gardens were the centaurs still fought off the guards.

“Cease fighting!” your mother ordered as the soldiers froze.

“That’s Arthur” you pointed to the blonde centaur who turned and looked at you and your mother

“A-Arthur?” she asked as he trotted up to her.

“Hello again (m/n)” he smiled as she reached up to stroke his cheek.

“They told me you were killed by a centaur, not that you became one!” she gasped

“I was brewing a potion and I added the wrong ingredient so when I drank it, it turned me into a centaur. They thought I had been killed by one was because my house was a mess and hoof prints were everywhere, and I was gone” he explained

“I’ve been so foolish, holding this grudge against centaurs for so long….” Your mother shook her head.

“I never knew you married the king and became the queen, and (y/n)’s mother” Arthur smiled as she nodded

“It’s time to set things straight” she smiled as the soldiers dropped their weapons.

“What about Alfred and Ivan?!” you gasped as the three of you dashed to the large hall of the castle. Ivan was armed with two small swords and Alfred was fending him off with his hoofs, with slash marks across his arms and chest.

“Ivan stop!”

“There’s no need to fight anymore!”

“I don’t care. I want his coat on my floor and his head on my wall!” Ivan bellowed as a dark aura surrounded him.

Alfred clutched his chest as he quickly spun around and kicked Ivan square in the stomach, sending him flying. Ivan groaned and didn’t try to stand back up.

“Prince Ivan, you are no longer welcomed in this kingdom” your mother spoke as he glared.

“I should wage war on you” he muttered

“I think not, if I recall, your older sister Katyusha gets the throne unless you got married. Now that the engagement is gone, your no longer ruler” your mother retorted  

“Guards, take Prince Ivan away and send him back to his own kingdom” your mother ordered as two guards dragged him out of the castle.

“I’m so sorry about all this, (y/n). I was a true fool. I shouldn’t have ever caused all this. I believe you’ve shown me more than enough today. I’m stepping down from the throne. I believe I’ll retire to my little cottage by the woods. I’ve had enough royalty for a lifetime” your mother smiled as she removed her crown and gently placed it on your head.

“But before I leave, a queen needs a king. I can’t leave you here all alone” she smiled and looked at Alfred who blushed.

“W-who, me?” he asked as she nodded

“I’m sure our people wouldn’t mind a centaur as a king” she murmured as she took Alfred’s hand and wrapped it around yours.

“I know you’ll take good care of this kingdom. Arthur, now I know that you’re a centaur, you’ll have to come visit me. We’re still best friends” she spoke as she walked out of the castle with Arthur laughing.

“Who would’ve known your mom and Arthur were friends like us. Well (y/n), what’s your decision?” Alfred smiled as you blushed

“My first royal decree, is that you become my king. Second, no more centaur hunting. Lastly, centaurs are welcome in the kingdom, no more hiding in the forest” you smiled as Alfred smiled and leaned down as he kissed you passionately.

You and Alfred then became the most beloved rulers of your kingdom. You were certain that your father would be proud of you. Centaurs and humans now lived in a prosperous harmony. Your mother and Arthur retained their friendship as she lived in her quiet cottage by the forest, not very far from the castle.

“See, (y/n)? I told you I’d save you, and now look!” Alfred smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist.

“I get to live happily ever after with my horse-man” you smiled and rested your head against his chest.

“Correction! I’m your horse-hero!” he chuckled at you as he held you

“whatever you say, horse-man” you rolled your eyes at him

“Common (y/n)! Just once?” Alfred pleaded

“Fine, you’re my horse-hero” you giggled and kissed him lovingly as he lifted you up and deepened the kiss
Here's another request finished! I hope you all enjoyed it!! Please leave me some nice comments!!~
© 2014 - 2024 Shadowfollowed
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RagDollRags's avatar
Okay..... I love this and all, but... How are babies suppose to be made??????? O.O